Somali Vulnerable Actors (SOVA) is a non-profit organization
In Somalia, it is estimated that only 29% of the population have access to improved drinking water sources. Access to and use of latrines and sanitation facilities is also extremely low, with only 14% of the population estimated to access sanitation. Only a third of the population use any method to prevent contamination of the water when storing or handling. Infant mortality and malnutrition rates in Somalia are among the highest in the world and are associated with poor water and sanitation. As a result, cholera and acute watery diarrhea (AWD) are endemic and frequent outbreaks occur every year according to Somalia WASH cluster, therefore in response to the above mentioned water, hygiene and sanitation needs SOVA Somalia responded emergency needs of water on timely basis in two different strategies (I) emergency response of water trucking and (II) sustainable development of water needs to the IDPs and host communities in Somalia.